It's been 2 mos since the last post.........Life is relatively boring.
We've settled into a routine: to flop on couch-sleep
Yup, that's pretty much how it goes.
But....there's been a lot going on!!!
Let me preface this with saying I am sharing this info with my friends both close and wide. Yes, it opens me up to nosy people who have an ax to grind due to their own mental illnesses and incapacitates. Those aren't really my issues or problems. It's on them. If they choose to stalk me here, steal pics and make up pathetic are their lives? At least I give meaning to someone I suppose!
Both LEG and I say "THHHHHHHHPPPP on them."
A couple of weeks ago, we posted a pic of LB riding a really nice drafty paint mare. We bought her as an investment horse for LB's FFA SAE and she really was not working out. She preferred men and since Mr. P sure the heck is not riding.......I cannot remember the last time he was on a horse.........he just trims them which I am extremely grateful for.........anyway, no dudes around to handle her or ride her so we decided to sell her. I IMMEDIATELY had some yahoos trying to tell me how wrong it was for us to sell a horse.
DUR DEE DURRRRR.........If NO ONE ever sells a horse, how can you BUY one.
Furthermore, we sold her to a g male rider.......who loves her and is planning on doing a little team sorting on her tank-like self........She's literally down the road from where we keep our other horses and she's in an AMAZING home!!!
We sold her for enough money let us buy a very nice Appendix TB and have a little $$$ in our pocket for gas and lunch on the day we went to pick up 2 Socks. For my horse friends and stalkers alike.......especially the stalkers because we know how much you like to dig on the do me a favor and figure this out...........we are looking for some INFO about 2 socks.
2 Socks...the Cloudy Eye
Here's what we were told:
He was boarded at Timberline Stables in New Bloomfield, MO and was being barrel raced. According to the seller, he was a SKELETON when she bought him. He was easy for them to handle while he was skinny but once fattened up, he began testing them. She referred to him as BARN SOUR. He also has a cloudy left eye and was sold as "blind" though field and stain testing shows he still has sight in it. He was fussy on his test drive but we liked him. He stands tied quietly for tacking, grooming, etc. He stands perfectly still for mounting. He rides nicely at the walk, trot, and lope and backs just lovely. He is not hot at all but seems a little unbalanced, more than likely from lack of exercise.
2 Socks
Front Shot of 2 Socks
Anyway, we want to know more about 2 Socks. If you can help us, please do!!!
Dixie, Libby, and Ozzy have also entered our lives.....a chestnut pony mare, a cute little gray roan appy and the most adorable miniature X Shetland I have ever met. Libby and Dixie are investment horses for LB's SAE and I got Ozzy as a therapy horse with the hopes that he will one day be able to meander the courtyard at work bringing joy an mood stabilization to my patients. A good friend is working on finding a reasonably priced harness and small wagon for Oz-man to pull. Secretly, I am hoping for a RED WAGON and a black harness.........Ozzy has total rock star hair and I think he would look beyond Mick Jagger in a rig like that.
I am also THRILLED that Bonanza has reappeared in our life. I just wish Baby J could get her arse end out my direction so we can go riding. I may just have to have someone kidnap her..........
Don't worry, J. Bones is staying with me forever........the girls love riding him (you should have seen Big Red riding him across the field, she opened him up and let him fly........he loved it and she had a blast too!!) He's hanging out with LEG and the rest of my crew.........often the first to the gate to see me unless Sam chases him off before he can get there.
Speaking of Sam, he surprised me the other night and I could not help but have a tear slip down my cheek. When I got out of my truck, he let loose with a HUGE whinny and the sound of it stopped me in my tracks. It was the EXACT whinny Jack used to use. I stopped and watched my boy gallop away from the away and prance at the gate, all excited to see me. He let loose with that whinny again and in the distance, thunder rolled and just for an instance, as it trailed off, the old familiar sound of heavy hooves, a sound I will never forget or let go of, echoed across the sky. As I kissed Sammy's soft nose, I reminded myself that Sam was with Jack for why wouldn't he know "my whinny".......

Sammy's a good boy and makes me smile and laugh almost every day........he gets a pout on his face if I don't slip the halter over his nose......he figured out that I have broken my own cardinal rule and carry cookies in a pocket......he's created his own way of showing affection to me........holding his face out in front of mine and brushing the side of it against my cheek (He copied this from Eve) but licking my cheek is all his move. I can't believe how long I've been riding this horse........I looked through papers the other day and it was the spring of 2000 when he came into my life as a rowdy 2 yr old......13 $600 I ever spent on a horse!!
Moving right along........Sundance.......He's our fall project......I hope by Thanksgiving he is completely under saddle......he is so silly, sticking his nose in the halter when we go to get a horse to ride......he wants to come along and we've been more, he's going to wear his saddle and pony EVER time we ride......He's such a sweetheart........can't wait to see how this turns's been a long, long, long time coming.
LEG, Oreo, Nitro.......are all spoiled rotten and enjoying the hours we get to spend in the saddle with them.......
I HATE that winter is around the bend.......but on the upside, we board where there's a nice warm barn with indoor riding so maybe winter won't be THAT bad.........who the heck am I kidding.........
As for the rest of my life........
Yellow Dog is a freaking awesome therapy dog and LOVES to go to work.
Pete is getting his TDI certification and is well on his way to being a therapy dog.
Alice is a trainwreck but one of the sweetest kittens I've ever met.......just very rowdy
Suckerfish and the rest of the crew are awaiting a new stand for their 50 gallon tank and there have been no more adventures under the bookcase since adjusting the water level and filter location.
LB got an early acceptance to her 1st choice college and is rocking it hard core as the FFA president, student director of Chamber Singers and all the other stuff she's busy with........
PC will graduate in May though it was touch and go there for minute last week due to an audit error with her courses........she's also apparently a WONDERFUL nanny according to rumors!! :)
Mr. P is super busy with school......he seems happier this year and BUSY BUSY BUSY!!
As for me, professionally, I LOVE my job. I cannot say it enough:
I have a super boss, work with some wicked nurses and am learning tons from a talented psychiatrist!!!
It's a rare day I wake up thinking "Ewww I don't want to go to work"
I love doing the "Friday dance"......I get a kick out of therapy groups.......It's so much fun to take YD to work and watch the patients faces light up when they can play with him.......My job rocks!!
I've resigned myself after a discussion with another literary agent to self publish the books......I hope to have this done before the end of the year.
Letters to Y......will be first to hit the net, followed closely by Lily Unguilded (though the name may change).
I'm working on a scary book must be pretty good because I scared the living daylights out of myself writing before bed and had a very real, terrifying dream.........
That's about it for now........