Wednesday, January 1, 2014


In late 2013, Britney Spears released the song "Perfume".  Now, most of my friends don't know that I'm a closet Brit fan.  I think the world has been terribly hard on her.  Like many childhood stars, she's had her run with fame and the pressures, and she's famous because of synthesized catchy songs.  But, she's got a throaty sexy sound that I like.  I LOVE the sound of her voice at the start of this song, the producers left her voice alone and let the woman sing.

I think the meaning of her song.....goes deep for all of us....the idea that we all a green eyed monster matter how much we deny it.......the monster is there at some point........but that aside, I LOVE this song for other reasons.

Those of you who spend any time around me know that I like to smell good.  I've had a thing for perfume for years.  I got hooked when I was about 15 yrs old.  I met this woman who fascinated me....she was obsessed with lipstick, glitter on her boobs, big hair and perfume.  Ok....I don't mean to glitter on me....that's an accident.  I can leave the big hair behind and I'm more addicted to chapstick or lip gloss than lip stick (and definitely not bright red).  But....I have to admit the perfume thing stuck.

My little girls knew when mommy got home because they could smell her.  Little Bit....though she doesn't remember it....used to crawl onto my lap and bury her face in my neck and just breathe in.  She would put her little hands on either side of my face and make me look at her and say "Why do you smell so good?" and then smell me.  I love when she hugs me as we are rushing out the door.....just a few months before graduating high school and says "Mmmmm, you smell good."  It reminds me of my baby.

A few months ago, my perfume quieted a very anxious woman.  This terrified lady came into work....she was confused and disoriented.  As I walked past, she grabbed my arm and said, "Wait, I know you.  I recognize that perfume."  When I assured her she did know me, she said, "And I don't know your face, but I recognize your voice and your perfume."  She wrapped her arms around me and hugged.  It was a comfort to her.

We forget........since we rely on our eyes and important the other sense are.......I am reminded of it at work every day.......and with my such, my perfume has become a part of WHO I am....... handsome man.......knew my smell.........horses can smell something crazy like 40 miles away....60 if the wind is blowing......I could be walking into the barn and he would call before he could possibly see or hear me.....he knew my scent........

Why not?  I'd been wearing the same perfume since I'd gotten him as a 7 month old wild colt.  I slept in his stall for 3 days when he was first mine.........I slept with him when he was why wouldn't he know what I smelled like........
I changed perfume after 5 yrs.....and Jack went nuts.  He reared in his stall.  He wouldn't let me put his halter on him.  He backed away from me, shaking his head and stomping at me.  I had to go take a shower and come out smelling "neutral".  I learned a valuable lesson about the horses and scent......I also hung a rag with my new perfume outside his stall door.  A few days later, he was back to calling to me.......

My clients.....especially the women.....seem to enjoy my perfume.  It gives us something to talk about....often an ice breaker......during a particularly tough time for them.  It's also allowed me to get to know some of my co-workers.  I have had conversations with total strangers because of it.  I helped a man buy his wife a Christmas presens........apparently she commented on my perfume in Hyvee and he ducked back around to ask me what I was wearing and where he could get it......I was able to help a very drunk, sick young lady in a bathroom not smell icky....just a little spritz of Binaca and SEVERAL sprays of my perfume one knew she'd tossed her cookies
Maybe it seems strange that people would just walk up to someone and say, "You smell good!" but it happens all the time. makes me smile.  Hey.....sometimes, I score free coffee....always a bonus.

So....what's the point to this blog.......not a damn thing.  Here's to Britney for a kick ass song.
Here's to Janet Belt...."like the thing you wear around your waist" for being a total narcissist but introducing me to the joys of totally dousing yourself in expensive perfume.  Here's to smelling great!!!

Here's to perfume!

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