Saturday, February 23, 2013

My Thing

We went out for seafood the other night and it reminded me of a conversation I had with someone several months ago.  The gist of the conversation was that "shrimp" was someone's "thing".....reserved for just that person.  I suppose the scampi was the trigger but I got to thinking about "things".

I am really glad my girls didn't get into this stupid concept.  "You can't barrel race, that's MY thing" or You can't wear a purple show shirt, that's MY color". 

I'm even more grateful that we don't have "my thing" with our kids.  While I respect spending time with each child individually and developing the mom-daughter or dad-daughter relationships, we strive to do things as a family.

Now, I have to admit, riding horses is a mom & little bit thing.  Not because Mr. P doesn't like to ride, it hurts his back............BADLY.  After just an hour in the saddle at a walk, he's in excruciating pain.  That means, riding is pretty much out for him.  He still helps us with the horses, admittedly with fewer horses......we don't need much help.  Little Bit feeds every day as her "job" so it's only the bigger stuff we rely on him for anymore.

As talking about the lack of "my thing", I realized the reason goes way back to when we were getting ready to get married and someone I respect very much gave us advice about our family and keeping our marriage strong .......especially as we add children to it.

He said, "Many couples start marriage and are just like their wedding ring a perfect circle with no end.  However, as they add children to that circle, they put them in the center, encircling them.  I urge you to bring your children to your circle but not inside of it.  Hold them close and become a family but never lose that circle of two."

I think we've done that............Mr P. is a wonderful man.  I cannot imagine my life without him.

I worry.......that ugly little stomach pain hit him a lot this year.  Stress is a trigger and we try hard to keep his stress to a minimum.  We don't push him to do "things" we know would stress him.

I guess what I'm saying is we don't have "my thing" in this house and we're happy that way.  We have "family things" and stuff we each like.  No one is ever excluded.

I'm really excited about spring........we have a new "thing" we're starting as a family and you'll just have to wait and see.............

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