I ordered this from "SimplySaid" via my dear friend, CS. I got it because as many know, our family has gone through some huge life changes. At first, I really felt as if my world was ending.
In the truest sense........It was!
I wasn't prepared for it and it was terrifying.
These changes have come with great emotional cost as well as financial. Yet, somehow....I seemed to evolve just a little with each hard hit and change.
Unfortunately, I have stalkers who just can't "let go" of something I apparently did to them. I somehow wronged them personally. I've mentioned this before. I can't post pics on here without fear they'll show up somewhere else or be used against me in some manner. Pretty sad since this is a blog for me, my family, and friends who we're no longer able to see as much any more. I guess perhaps their ultimate goal is for me to disappear......hell, they probably wish I would take a long walk off a short pier and swallowed up by a great white shark. I'm smart though, I stay out of the ocean! But, if you know me.....really know me, you are vaguely aware of my intense fear of sharks. It's why I ended up getting my education degree and not a marine biology degree.
Now, since BOTH my stalkers religiously read my blog, please pay close attention.
Neither of you mean anything to me. However, since both of you have recently decided to make comments on the net about me, it seems only fair that I use my own blog so you are sure to see this.

Stalker #1: you can say ugly, defaming, nasty lies about me all over the net as much as you like. You are not someone in my world and the people who I care about know who I am. They know what I look like. They know my faults and guess what, they don't care. You've made it abundantly clear you "think" you know who I am........you are sadly, sadly mistaken. You follow my facebook page (well, the open pics at least) and stalk my personal blog, trolling for ammo....go ahead, it's not going to change a damn thing. All it does is give everyone the continued understanding that you have a personal vendetta against me, though you won't admit who you are. You've even gone so far as to admit you've never met me or had any interaction with me. So, you hate me because of things you've "heard" on the net. You're an internet stalker and bully, nothing more. Pssst.....do you feel some kind of power posting pics of me from 3 yrs ago? Can't get any more current? Perhaps if you put half as much energy into something positive as you do internet stalking me, you could do something seriously positive and productive with your life.

Stalker #2: I know EXACTLY who you are. You read my blog, freaking out that I might say something about you or your bf. You alienated friends accusing them of "feeding information" to me about you. You even have someone writing letters to business acquaintances and making wild accusations about me, Mr. P, and my daughters. You are mentally ill. You need serious, serious help. You religiously read this blog hoping to see me say something about you. Today's your lucky day.........but, unlike other trolls, I'm not an idiot. I won't say your name. Only you will know that I am talking to you. Hopefully this little cameo will spur you to stop visiting my blog (don't deny it)....You commented. Sick, truly sick. Now, go away.

Anyway.....now that I've given both my stalkers their 15 secs of my time, about those big lessons in life.......when I saw that SS design, I knew I had to have it. I see it every day and it reminds me to look at the beautiful things I have in my life. I have a wonderful hubby & two awesome daughters. I have the small "herd" of horses we kept & am getting to spend amazing amounts of time with them.........something the past years have not allowed. 2008....that was the last time I really had a chance to spend time like I am now. I have Yellow Dog and our walks. I have the new small set of friends I've met here and enjoy getting to know them.
But the design means even more to me.....butterflies are close to my heart. My real friends know why. My mother can tell you. Those who have ever been around me and outside can tell you. And, my dear baby J knows..........
I've been contemplating getting another tattoo.....I was thinking about getting one of Evie and eventually I'll have Sammy on my other shoulder........but I do believe I'm going to get a tiny little butterfly........